M.A. English Conference Spring 2020
San Francisco
01 & 8 May 2020
The Conference
Virtual Synchronous and Asynchronous Presentations From Our Graduating Cohort
01 & 8 May 2020
Please join MA English students in virtual presentations of their capstone projects in linguistics, composition, and TESOL.
Presentation Schedule May 1, 2020
Zoom instructions: here
Presentation Zoom links here. Each presenter has their own link:
10:00 AM Billy Priest,Multilingual Composition Utilizing 21st Century Literacies: A Course Development, Password:0E?33330
10:30AM Claire Northall Resources for Supporting Multilingual Writers in Academic Writing: A Teacher Training Workshop, password 9G@*#GU%
11:00 AM Phillip Zavala The Scope of Cross-Linguistic Influence Research of English Learning Mandarin L1 Adult Speakers:password 0a$&^*8v
11:30 AM James Chao Let's Play a Video Game: A Content-Based ESL curriculum for IEPs, Password 3b#961ZD
12:30 PM Sin Yee Chau Developing Academic Writers: A Practical Guide to Empower Students to Negotiate Writing
1:00 PM Wenyi Yang Evolution of Professional Identity: A Malaysian Chinese Teacher of English's Journey to becoming a TESOL professional
1:30 PM Jenna Ferrario CONTACT and CONTAINMENT in i and på: A Diachronic Analysis of Norwegian Prepositions
2:00 PM Rose Kitchel Constructing Murder: A Framing Analysis of Mass Shootings in American News Reports, Password:8p^QyS76
2:30 PM Minsun Lee Hedges and Boosters: L1 and L2 Speakers’ Comprehension and Production, Password 7T?7*@80
Presentation Roundtable
Please watch the recorded presentations below and join us for a roundtable with questions for our presenters
May 8, 2020 11am-1pm and Virtual Celebration 1pm-2pm
Agenda and Rountable Instructions: Here
Zoom Recording, Password: 3J=j4Mc2 Link
(Recorded presentation links and passwords here and in presenter bios below.)
Elisandra Santos Presentation Password: 9O^?&#cE Presentation Link:
"911, What's your Emergency?": Developing Vocabulary Acquisition for Emergency Situations
Lauren Holt PAPER HERE Presentation Password: 1O+j@5$. (password includes the . )
The Struggle We Share: Writing Anxiety in College Composition and What Teachers Can Do To Help
Christina Yun No Password
Utilizing Music to Enhance Language Learning
Skyler Ilenstine PAPER HERE Presentation Password: 7I.7@#Q* Presentation Link:
When the Immune System “Misfires”: Conceptual Metaphors in Autoimmune Disease Discourse
Natalia Vyalykh Presentation Password: email nvyalykh@mail.sfsu.edu Presentation Link:
Heather Gorgen PAPER HERE Presentation Password: 2e!+1*sG Presentation Link:
Diving Deeper: Information Literacy in the Composition Classroom
Katya Hawks PAPER HERE Presentation Password: 5z?VJ4#7 Presentation Link:
Max Garibay PAPER HERE Password: MAEnglish20! Presentation Link:
Bringing Down the House: Re-imagining Academic Discourse
Tiffany Custer Presentation Password: maenglish20! Presentation Link:
Leilani Matthews PAPER HERE Presentation Password: 0O?&F?Eq Presentation Link:
Teaching ESL Students with depression/PTSD: A Needs Analysis
Christine Leung PAPER HERE Presentation Password: maenglish123! Presentation Link:
Navigating the Tech Interview as a Non-Native English Speaker
Suki Ho No Password Presentation Link:

What is our program?
What if you could be globally engaged through the study of diverse texts and language practices? What if you could be in classes that combine analysis and imagination? What if your education could be a collaborative intellectual experience?
The English Department consists of vibrant and interdisciplinary programs to study communicative practices of cultures and writers all over the world. Our courses, whether on major literary authors or in fields such as Digital Humanities and World English(es), reflect our commitment to the study of English in global contexts. Our student-centered classrooms offer opportunities to use multiple technologies, modalities, genres, and theoretical frameworks to read critically the word and the world around us, with an eye toward writing the future.
By gaining self-reliance, empathy, and intellectual focus, our students go on to become teachers, writers, entrepreneurs, publishers, content designers, attorneys and activists, exciting careers that draw on their analytic skills and their humanistic values. In addition to shepherding the next generation of critical thinkers into diverse career paths, the English Department also creates exponential change by preparing engaged and effective educators for tomorrow’s diverse classrooms.
MA English Students from TESOL, Linguistics, and Composition